We also have the Red State, Green state, and Yellow state Android verified boot. Like I mentioned earlier, Orange state warnings is a type of verified boot state which also means we have more types of verified boot states. During device boot up, each stage verifies the integrity and authenticity of the next stage before handing over execution.” ( ) It establishes a full chain of trust, starting from a hardware-protected root of trust to the bootloader, to the boot partition and other verified partitions including the system, vendor, and optionally OEM partitions. ‟Verified Boot strives to ensure all executed code comes from a trusted source (usually device OEMs), rather than from an attacker or corruption. For those who has no idea, Android verified boot is simply used to verify the integrity of an OS image. If you’re familiar with the UEFI secure boot on PC’s then you should understand what verified boot on Android is as well, they’re pretty much the same. Now, the next question that you want to ask is what is a verified boot state in Android?. The Orange state warning is basically a type of verified boot state in Android devices, it basically indicates that a device bootloader has been unlocked. 3 How to remove the 5 seconds boot delay time in Orange Stateīefore I proceed to the steps in hiding or removing Orange state warning from an unlocked MediaTek Android device, have you ever asked yourself what the Orange state warning means? Well, let me tell you.